Hotel Garuda Feat. Violet Skies: Till It Burns Out
I want to forever road trip to this song. And I'm talkin literally until I Thelma and Louise off a cliff because what could be better? I've been a fan of Hotel Garuda for years and with every release I get closer to them filing a retraining order against me. Because I'm obsessed! Their latest single "Till It Burns Out" wears its heart stitched proudly on its sleeve, and starts spreading like wild fire right around the 0:01 mark. With Hotel Garuda, our "it's the journey, not the destination" philosophy doesn't apply. Their destination is our journey.
“We believe that as artists, it’s important to continually grow, strive for something greater, but most importantly - make whatever we feel. That’s kind of how ‘Til It Burns Out Happened’ - we were looking to do something different and surprise our fans. Both of us take heavy inspiration from experimental, underground, and indie music so we wnated to incorporate that in this next single, and we hope that our fans enjoy the song as much as we had fun making it!”