[BEST OF 2013] Favorite EP: Shy Girls: Timeshare


TSCOVERBLEEDFINALThe minute my friend Matt sent me this link in a IM and said, "listen to this," I had a sneaky suspicion that I was gonna love Shy Girls. Its real simple, Portland’s Shy Girls is an ode to straight up R&B-Soul-Pop & they are doing what others cannot. Dan Vidmar is creating genuine baby-making music, or just sexy-time if you don't want all that other drooling business in your life. Timeshare, is very reminiscent to The Weeknd, yes, but where they leave more eclecticism in their forefront Shy Girls has more of a structure base to their formula... and it works, it works x1Million & I can't wait to hear the long one.

Buy the Timeshare EP on Hit City Records here & turn your headphones up, loud!!

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