Kick. Kick. Spotify.
Updated weekly, this playlist highlights the music featured on Kick Kick Snare. For December and to cap 2016, we're slowly narrowing down our top 100 songs of the year. To date, this is our 836th post of the year with over 1000 songs (over 650 specifically on Spotify). At this very moment, I've narrowed the list down to 108. I'm trying to not duplicate artists, but with HOLYCHILD, Golden Coast, kiiara and so many others releasing EPs and multiple undeniable singles it's physically impossible for me to. If nothing more, this is an experiment for myself to see if I get the list to 100 or if I die of a panic attack first. Stay tuned! If you haven't already, please click here to follow our Featured playlist, and let our top picks stream away!
Follow our Featured Spotify playlist here.