[Best Of 2013] Favorite EP: Jungle- The Heat



Fact: No one dislikes synchronized roller skaters. They emulate the sly cool I’ve always wanted to imagine I could muster. Full of precision and demonstrating an immaculate attention to detail -I can’t help but feel the exact same way about Jungle’s eponymous EP, The Heat.

Released on Chess Club Records, The Heat, by the London based "electro-crooning duo," is electronic soul rolled with new age funk. It’s the slow nod to your crossed arms. Jungle has brought to the forefront smooth, warm funk.  Tinkering with high male vocals, reverb synths, and simple drumbeats, The Heat is a reminder that slow and steady is sometimes for the best.

Stylized down to every last detail, the EP is calculated, colorful, and a complete work of art.  Each track has a set purpose in its trajectory, yet is malleable when trying to find your own meaning hidden within the lyrics. Jungle create music that allows listeners to hear what they want in a way that isn't condescending- it's a four track open invitation to enjoy these moments together free of inhibition.


