[BEST OF 2013] Favorite EP: Minor Characters - Heal Me, Healing Times
Nestled deep within in the nooks and crannies of Chicago lies a group of extraordinary musicians and songwriters. They've been toiling away, developing their signature blend of reverberous atmospherics, clever harmonic changes and brilliant melodic contours for quite some time. So when they made a grand statement to the world with their second EP, Healing Me, Healing Times earlier this past February, I knew it would be in constant rotation for the rest of the year. From the romping Heal Me all the way to the delicate and haunting tones of Expatriates, each tune and arrangement is top notch indie rock from top notch musical talent.
The group is also gearing up for their first Full Length (Best Album of 2014, guys?!), but need a little help with pressing and distribution. If you're interested in helping out these musical maestros you can click here or stream their video below for more information.
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