CRAVE: [kreyv] verb
1. to long for; want greatly; desire eagerly:
2. to require; need:
With their second single, "Young," Ayer, distills searing primal desire into a provocative, futuristic masterpiece. "Young" is exhilarating and unexpected. Your heartbeat stutters and your body quivers with anticipation as pulsing beats radiate through you. The only respite from this divine agony is the repeated breakdowns that throb with a seductive bass line, while Danny's enticing falsetto stirs inside you. His words perfectly capturing the essence of unquenchable lust for someone. "Young" feels more like a sensual experience than a piece of music.
Devotion like an animal/ Hungry like a cannibal/ You control the way that I am
AYER is singer Danny Schmittler and producer Mickey Valen. Make sure to check out Ayer's debut single "Circle Down." Connect with Ayer directly through Facebook & Twitter
AYER Facebook AYER Twitter Mickey Valen Facebook Mickey Valen Twitter