Kaerhart: Losing My Mind
Join the club. 100 GPS trackers sewn into my brain couldn't keep tabs on my where my mind's at half the days these days. Shoot, watch an hour of CNN and I'll meet you in the psych ward cafeteria where we can eat each other's brains. At least now, I have a new anTHEME song courtesy of L.A.-based singer-songwriter Kaerhart. "Losing My Mind" punches hard and burrows deep with its electro-pop sound and lyrical finger pointing. As Kaerhart will tell you, every day, we must face the troubling injustices exposed in the media down to the multiple stresses of our everyday life. We have to band together and empower each other and do everything we can to turn that negativity upside-down followed by a forward march. Take home: Do the right thing. That starts by pushing play, below, and turning the volume up as loud as your progressive voice.