Overjoy: Same


These three are so needed right now. The delectable trio of Overjoy are trailblazing a path all their own with infectious melodies and chord progressions that burrow deep. More often than not, a band's overall appeal is usually greater than the sum of its parts, but in the case of Overjoy, each member stands equally tall giving their collective impact an almost unfair advantage. I'd also like to claim them as my personal modern-day Deee-lite cause you can just feel the groove in these artist's hearts. Check out their new single, "Same," below!

We all are searching, trying to find our identities, and figure out where they fit into the grand scheme of things. To each of us, this task seems especially personalized and unlike anyone else’s plight. We are trying to translate some peace of mind to our listeners- telling them we all go through the same damn thing.
— Alexis Moraites of Overjoy