Post Precious: Sign of the Times
By definition, the phrase "sign of the times" means: "Something judged to exemplify or indicate the nature or quality of a particular period, typically something unwelcome or unpleasant."
If Post Precious has anything to say about it, I think they'd say the time is now and to stop your crying. Following a couple standout releases, the new side project of off-kilter pop singer Alex Winston and MS MR’s Max Hershenowr work deep within their own vernacular, and dig up from their inexhaustible vault of talent a cover of Harry Styles' latest pop rock ballad.
If over the last few weeks you haven't already noticed, I'm officially on the Post Precious bandwagon and excited to see where they steer me next. I'm told fans of both MS MR and Winston’s solo work will be thrilled to hear the new EP in 2018 and I'd bet on it.