Robokid: Next Year
"Next Year" is a misleading title for a song with such year-round appeal. Co-founder of Moving Castle, Ethan Budnick, better known as Robokid, and his latest single, is a coming-of-age success story of sorts. Have you ever found yourself succumbing to pressure, temptation, or some other negative force? We all have. But what sets apart the winners is finding the courage to overcome it with the resources you allow yourself to take advantage of.
This is the case for Robokid, a champion in the DJ, producer, songwriter, and singing space, with credibility that can't be bought. "Next Year" is his "fuck you" to conformity and "well, hello there" to finding his own overwhelming substance that was just there under the surface the whole time. Check out this electro-pop and hip-hop hybrid and ask yourself if you can relate. I know I can.
“What this past year has taught me is that when you stop caring about what other people will think, it can give you the confidence to try new things that you might not have thought were possible before.”