Panorama Music Festival Diary!
Photo by Lauren Coakley
You know what the best part about attending a music festival in your own city is? Waking up in your own bed. If this were Coachella, I’d be imploded with text messages by now demanding how much longer I had left to traverse in the 4 years of traffic I’d be sitting in from L.A. but oh no, not this time. This girl got to wake up in the mornin’ feelin like P-Diddy. And with a rosé all day mentality, I made sure to catch a significant buzz in my onesie before heading over to da’ irie islaann (AKA Randall’s Island).
Photo by Chris Lazzaro
4:35PM: Once I got through check ins, the first problem at hand was having to choose between Isaiah Rashad and MØ. Although I was itching to see the TDE star and secretly hoping SZA would magically appear alongside, I lost a rock-paper-scissors Panorama edition round 1 and headed with the crew over to MØ. In hindsight I’m not sure whether that was for the best or worst because apparently Mr. Rashad rocked the crowd so hard the damn floor collapsed and all other acts scheduled to perform on that stage were suspended for the rest of the night.
Photo by Nikki Jahanforouz
6:15PM: We started to make our way over to main stage to get comfy for the trio of magic lined up ahead. MGMT was up first and they did not disappoint delivering the nostalgic feels with extended versions of crowd favorites like "Kids."
Photo by Doug Van Sant
8:00PM: SOLANGE! Solange, Solange, Solange. Clouds parted so this bitch could literally guide the sun down into sunset. We met these adorable humans who flew in all the way from HOTlanta just to see her.
9:30PM: But wait! Frank, Frank, Frank! Humans gathered as far as I could see as he set himself up in the middle of the crowd. The experience was haunting. He wore a shirt that read, “Why be racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic when you can just be quiet?” and I was like PUHREACH. And that’s exactly what everyone did : STFU and let the man inject everyone with feels.
Photo by Nikki Jahanforouz
HOLY FUCKIN’ HANGOVER!!!!!!! Friday’s line up had me waking up on Saturday wondering if I was going to live another day. After guzzling down about 64oz of blue frost Gatorade (seriously if you drink any other color you’re a fucking weirdo and you can’t sit with us) and ingesting at least 3 bacon egg and cheese bagels with a side of Excedrin, it was time to face the beast once again.
Photo by Nikki Jahanforouz
4:20PM: Appropriate time to see SOFI mufkn TUKKER! Nothin’ like a good I Don’t Give A Fuck jam to get your hype back. The duo absolutely killed it.
6:00PM: All that hype got my appetite back on fleek and I couldn’t resist the urge any longer to pay Roberta’s $20 smackers for a Beesting personal pizza that was devoured. Worth every penny. From there we went to go see what the American Express dome was all about. Once inside, it was pretty much Becky and Mackenzie taking selfie rounds but I did manage to get some water on the way out under this cool sign
9:20PM: Time to find out what this Tame Impala hype is all about. This was my first experience with the headliner so I kind of felt like a newb in a sea of die hard fans. And like my Beesting personal pizza from Roberta’s, they did not disappoint. What was disappointing was my shoe choice for the day so I was ready to head out and rest up for Sunday.
Photo by Lauren Coakley
My mind’s tellin me yeaahhh, but my BODY, my BODY is telling me nooooooooo. That’s the old lady remix my body was trying to wake me up with, but like a good neighbor state farm was there to pump me with another dose of Gatorade, Excedrin, and a bacon egg and cheese because P-A-R-T-WHY??? Because I gotta! Not gonna lie though Sunday #mood got me like…
Photo by Nikki Jahanforouz
5:35PM: Let’s just skip right to my main event, shall we? Mura Masa shut the mutha fuckin house all the way down to the damn ground and I’m still living for it. My expectations were set high and somehow my head still exploded. I was hoping A$AP was going to run out for Lovesick but there was a bad ass bitch in his place that I definitely wasn’t mad at. Two snaps for you.
6:30PM: As I walked passed the Point, I was overcome by this beautiful sound playing from the DJ booth… was that a Lady Kier of Deee-lite sample?! It was. Immediately texted Brent and had a moment I almost felt compelled enough to run to the DJ and embrace him for.
Photo by Nikki Jahanforouz
7:30PM: There’s not really much more to say other than being able to witness A Tribe Called Quest, the absolute perfect ending to a beautiful 3 day weekend. We all poured one out for big Phife Dawg. I may or may not have hit a splif that had me lookin’ like Fetty Wap. And I may or may not have ordered another Beesting on my way out to take home with me that you may or may not judge me for.