OK Go: Obsession

OK Go Obsession 1.jpg

Writing about music videos can be tough. 99 out of 100 times they're basically glorified photo shoots lacking a story line, viral component, a relatable something between the artist and viewer.  That said, in the case of OK Go, it would be a disservice to everyone involved to not share and write about their videos, each deserving to be displayed in the world's finest museums.

In partnership with paper brand Double A, OK Go take 567 printers, copious amount of paper and high-flying choreography to create a mind-blowing polychromatic masterpiece with their latest music video "Obsession," a song featured on the band's last album, 2014's 'Hungry Ghosts.'

"This song is about how our most intense and complicated emotions are also our simplest and most universal. Obsession is so overwhelming and perplexing, but it's also so binary and basic - everything's normal and then suddenly it's not," shared lead singer and director Kulash, Jr. "For the video, we wanted that same idea: take the simplest thing and just revel in how powerful and not-simple it really is. And animation is that - it's just one picture on one piece of paper, then another, and then another, and somehow that progression turns into a whole universe. So we tried to create the physical version of that universe, a room where the walls can change into anything you imagine, but everything is made of just one piece of paper following the last."

Music VideosBrent BurnsOK Go