NVDES Feat. REMMI: D.Y.T (Do Your Thing)
I have to give credit where credit is due. NVDES's "D.Y.T (Do Your Thing)" has me by the collar and is threatening me with a helluva damn good time, and I'm into it. And by "into it" I mean buckled into this Hyundai Elantra doing donuts, going nuts over these pulsing electronics, hard-hitting beats, and ethereal vocals. That's a bad nod to one of Remmi's lyrics but after that bass drop at the 0:19 mark, I can't be held accountable for much anymore.
“I overheard Remmi say it in passing while we were getting ready to jam and instantly had the vision for the track. D.Y.T (Do Your Thing) is the phrase that I think best represents the NVDES ethos. Be yourself, be NVDE, and do your thing.”