Michael Jackson: Thriller (ZHU Remix)

zhu-thriller-remix The only thing scarier than Monday, is Halloween on a Monday. I'll admit, there have been some pretty genius costumes floating through socials - also expected because it's basically Day 4 at this point - but today is when the actual caldron spills over into the 1) Offices, full of conference meetings lead by witches, goblins and your boss who thought dressing up as Eleven from Stranger Things was clever; and 2) Streets, with trick-or-treaters! As someone who struggles to "dress up," I don't know where I fit into this equation, however, I do know music and think ZHU's remix of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" is a killer add to your festive playlist. (It's a radio rip though, so you'll need to ignore Pete Tong and...) Fight off the horrors and whores (most girl's costumes, too easy) with the songs' stabbing synths, violent vocal snippets and bloody good bass line.

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Remix, RemixKKS Staff