TheThursday Bundle: 092216


TheThursday bundle, just in time for the weekend

with artwork inspired by TheWeeknd’s second mixtape, ‘Thursday.’

A mouthful, I know, but luckily an earful, too!


Cosmos & Creature - Young

These two are around just about every corner. Whether it's the latest solo release, top line, showcase, you name it, it's hard to keep up. That said, I give credit where credit is due, and anyone whose hustle game is as strong as mine gains my wholehearted respect and a digital high-five. So naturally these two music super heroes have combined their powers to create its own musical footprint called Cosmos & Creature and their new single,"Young," is equal parts trick and treat.


Mackenzie Thoms - SHOUT!

When Mackenzie Thoms says "shout," you shout and you do it till your voice is gone. But when he sings "SHOUT!," you fucking grab a hair brush, TV remote, whatever resembles a microphone and you sing and dance along until you literally cannot. This is pop music at its finest and an artist whose talent is only matched by the awesomeness of his personality. He's one to keep an eye on, or probably both.


flatwaʊnd - This Can Be Love

Into it. Australian duo Flatwound spank us with a myriad of disco-house sounds in "This Can Be Love." Do not threaten me with a good time, guys. I've been known to crossover on the dance floor and those moments I don't think any witness would consider casual. The movements from my hips and shoulders exaggerated, my wallet and phone missing shortly thereafter. And if you keep playing this song, I will just rinse and repeat.


Vanic Ft. Katy Tiz - Samurai

No doubt, Vanic is a force to be reckoned with. Rumor has it, Katy Tiz is part of the same "Samurai" gang and owns 100 swords and the two have matching ornate armor. Apparently there was a battle at some nightclub and Vanic and Katy stumbled upon DJ equipment and a microphone and the rest...history. If this is your first time hearing this song congrats on living that off-the-grid life, it was added to our Spotify playlist last Friday and think we'll be keeping it around another week for protection.


PUSHER - Fences (ft. CAPPA)

If CAPPA lived in Los Angeles, I feel like we'd be arrested almost immediately. We'd be caught sneaking into roller rinks after hours, stealing antique convertibles for joyrides down the PCH to Malibu, and definitely hiding in dressing rooms at places like Target and pretending we're Frank Whaley and Jennifer Connelly in 1991's Career Opportunities. PUSHER, you done good. "Fences" is a masterpiece made from the finest materials available, I'm talking straight up Lignum vitae.


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