THANKS - Dizzy THANKS should change their name to YOU'RE WELCOME. Anders & Anders of Alphabeat (make mental note to play "Vacation" 100 times after publishing this post) make up this exciting producer duo, and "Dizzy" is their first official release. "Totally bonkers," "Young," "Carefree," "Funky as hell," Outrageous," and well, "Somewhat different," have all been used to describe the song, but I'd like to add "Mint" to that list. Have you ever jumped on a hotel mattress? Ever pretended it was a trampoline and showcased those gymnast flips? I have and always end up dizzy, stretched out and out of breath. So "Mint" also stands for that delicious chocolate morsel the housekeepers leave on your pillow during turn down service. Is there anything better in the entire world? Well, besides THANKS and the pop culture they're handing to us on a silver platter.

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