Happy Thanksgiving from Kick Kick Snare!

deee-lite thank you everyday kks In the states, today's the day we celebrate the breaking of bread between Pilgrims and Native Americans (sorry, can't bring myself to say Indians... it's too inaccurate) by stuffing our faces until we have the meat sweats, while watching parades, and probably sporting events that I have no knowledge about. Whether you're an American, born and bred, stuffing turkey and mashed potatoes into your mouth or not, Thanksgiving is a rad holiday. It's not about religion or romance or getting away with dressing kind of slutty for a night. It's about being thankful for the things you have. It's about gratitude. The team here at KKS has lots of gratitude for you, our readers. So, whether you're on the other side of the world or two houses over telling yourself YES, I DO have room for another piece of pie, take a minute to celebrate. Here's Deee-lite's "Thank You Everyday" to put you into the right headspace.

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