Hello. Wednesday. Remixes.
Mega yacht sized remix from Sailors for Selena Gomez whose "Same Old Love" catches a gusty second wind. Meet me at the bow of the ship and let's both stretch out our arms and yell at the top of our lungs, "I am king of the world."
I need an entourage - my Brandon, Dylan and Steve from 90210 that I can walk into parties with and order rounds of drinks for. Until then, I'll live vicariously through Zapéd. His official remix EP for "Prague" just hit the interwebs and lo and behold, Zapéd just walked in with Grand Pavilion, Weakling and Boys Get Hurt and that ordered a round at the bar.
I'm In Love With My Life but imagine living Eau Claire's. I mean, your name on all those flyers, all those airline miles from her round-trip gig life, and most importantly, having the ability to make tracks that start fires on the dance floor. Not the Smokey the Bear kind, but with similar extreme conditions.