Lyon Hart: The Sign

artworks-000098991377-k2c6m8-t500x500 After the spectacular release of Elephante’s original track “Shake The Earth”, we could only expect an earth-shaking first single from the featured vocalist, Lyon Hart. Produced by Mickey Valen (Noosa, EVVY, AYER), “The Sign” is a tightly wound, shimmering debut by the singer-songwriter, with percolating synths and an explosive chorus that you Cannot. Get. Out. Of. Your. Head. Lyon Hart (that’s Lyon - rhymes with “neon”) has been busy writing hits for other artists and this signals his first solo venture as an artist. Hart has contributed to songs by Noosa (upcoming 3rd album), EVVY (“Collide”, “Never Let You Go”), Erin Willett (Season 2, The Voice), and upcoming releases by David Solano, Lucky Date, and Janpier. Check out the brand new single below. This track has us waiting for “the sign” that signals the next single from this promising newcomer.

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