Golden Coast: Dream And An MPC (Televisor Remix)

Golden Coast Televisor Remix Televisor premiered a remix of Golden Coast's "Dreams And An MPC" and it is pure perfection. It was hard to imagine the song could get any better, which personally, I think should've been called "Dreamboats And An MPC", because I mean really, have you seen these two? Their faces alone are enough to make even the straightest of men buckle at the knees, and then you mix in those vocals and it is just game over. Dreamboat City. I am pleased to tell you though, that Televisor managed to take it to a whole new level of endorphin high. It's raining over here in NYC, yet every time I have played this song this morning, all I can see are palm trees and pina coladas. Thanks to Televisor and my dreamy Golden Coast boys, I will be California dreamin' for the rest of the day because it is Summer o'clock somewhere!

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