Lyon & Lowe: Reeks Of The Same

Lyon & Lowe _Reeks_Of_The_Same_Love_Our_Records_Lyon_and_Lowe_Sm Alternative Psychedelic pop-sters, Lyon & Lowe, are back with a brand new stereo sound. "Reeks Of The Same" drops the funk and 808's to create something you might expect to hear if Prince got stuck in an elevator with Beck for a couple of days. The Mysterious duo have been churning their musical mustard since 2014 and together create an intriguing secret recipe, that has just the right tongue-tingling amount of flavour and tang. The international project features a multi-instrumentalist producer from the UK and a U.S lyricist, combining their forces to make music they could never have dreamt up alone.

Lyon & Lowe on Facebook, here!