Jahkoy: withoutYou
The best little-big-hit may have just arrived! The radio-friendly track entitled "withoutYou" from Jahkoy (formerly known as Raheem) has the potential to become a summer jam. The song's producer, Chris Lorenzo, lays down a stellar dance beat that's paired perfectly with Jahkoy's sexy, upbeat vocals. And FYI, if his vocals sounds familiar, that's probably because he shares the lyrical and vocal swagger of fellow Toronto-natives Drake and The Weeknd. 'The Queen City' may just be our next hip-hop/R&B mecca. Surely the city has its next big newcomer in Jahkoy. There's definitely more greatness to come from the young singer!
Have a listen to "withoutYou" below and pick up a free download of the track on Jahkoy's SoundCloud page!
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