YOUTH: Low (Fever Trails Remix)

fever trails We get a lot of mail at KKS. From our submissions box to our facebook to our twitter, we have lots of different artists sending us lots of different songs at lots of different times. (people sending me 3AM emails I am looking at you). With all the pings that puncture our KKS inbox, its no surprise that there are lots of good songs coming in, but rarely are there great songs. And that is a distinct difference.

Lucky for me, a tune has slipped through the submissions jungle that I've absolutely fallen in love with. South African producer Fever Trails takes on Youth's tune Low and does so at an artisan level of expertise. With pitter-patter percussion, quivering synths, and gently moving low-end rumble, Fever Trails has turned this tune from something beautiful into something gorgeous. I could lavish all the praise in the world onto this track, but you're not going to understand until you click that little orange play button below. You've got the KKS guarantee that it will make your weekend 150% prettier.

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