Kimbra: 90s Music (M-Phazes Remix)

Kimbra 90s Music MPhazes Remix MIND. BLOWN.

No big deal, that's just M-Phazes' remix of Kimbra's "90s Music" giving a serious sashay down the red carpet and through your speakers. I'm actually logging onto Travelocity right now as I type, booking a flight to Melbourne, Australia to shake M-Phazes' hand, and then never wash it.

Talk about honing in on that sweet spot between nostalgic and futuristic. A couldn't-be-more-perfect homage to the decade of pure pop. We're talking synth-loaded and hyper-colored pop that will make your drums clap and fingers snap. Let's coordinate our Swatches, fasten our Fanny Paks and put the top down on this fucking Miata. Push play for a vivid trip down memory lane.

Remix, RemixKKS Staff