SALES: Chinese New Year

artworks-000068932773-yv5vth-t500x500 It’s an unsurprising, yet delightful, coincidence that the latest SALES track, “Chinese New Year,” was released on 2014’s actual Chinese New Year (the year of the horse, in case you were wondering).

Encapsulated by the duos lyrical simplicity and catchy refrain, I’ve found myself wanting to hear this track whenever I walk into a room, grocery shop, or buy flowers for myself. These theme songs have only occurred a couple of times in my life, and most of them are embarrassingly uncool. Example: “There She Goes” by Six Pence None the Richer at age eight is a highlight/lowlight depending on your love of the “Parent Trap” remake and/or baby Lindsay Lohan (may her sanity rest in peace).

Interestingly enough the track emulates similar personality traits that people under this sign are supposed to have: cheerfully perceptive and delightfully engaging.

SALES has created a sweetly underground and inspirational serenade. It reminds me of the beauty of old cassettes intertwined with the sweet understanding of a mutual crush. A couple by the ocean, giving each other flickering side-glances through hazy cigarette smoke between them. Longwinded, but extremely applicable descriptions aside- this track creates a short story in my mind. A preservation of fragility that somehow evokes seamless confidence heard in Lauren Morgan’s vocals and Jordan Shih's (aka JSHIH)  production.

A beachy lo-fi collage of unashamed timidness- personality reserved for bands that can use it at their will, but only with the utmost skill and precision.