Micke Lindebergh: Indian Summer (Free DL)

Micke Lindebergh Indian Summer Love Our Records presents a new act, Micke Lindebergh and his track 'Indian Summer.' Micke is a new artist to us but not to many having received early support from our Brent here at Kick Kick Snare and for his many tasty side projects too. We cant work out why 'Indian Summer' hasn't already sky rocketed because it still sounds as fresh as it did two years down the line! This track combines a lot of sounds you will hear in electro productions but spits them back out in a song form. So do all a favour, if you like it please share via where-ever to who-ever, and take a moment to remember this surname!

Micke Lindebergh Official Micke Lindebergh on Soundcloud Love Our Records